They aren’t as obvious as the advantages hot people have, but they do exist.
1. People see them for who they are on the inside:
“You have a really great personality.” This is the number-one compliment average girls receive. Some might be offended by the backhanded nature of it — and all of the hot girls happen to have amazing personalities as well — but for them only halfway decent-looking people, they must cling to they charm and charisma. Good personalities are kind of people purview.
2. They have street smarts
They have to use effort to get a bartender’s attention. They know how to hail taxis, and then yell at cabbies who refuse to take them downtown because they aren’t going in that direction. They know how to barter at flea markets because they've never been given the “pretty lady price.”
Over the years, they’ve been toughened by not receiving special treatment, and by being well-versed in the sting of rejection.
3. They're competitive (and good at winning)
No guy has ever offered to show them how to lift dumbbells at the gym or the “sneaky trick of the pool cue.” They had to learn that sh-t themselves. So they did, and they got good at it. They also rock at beer pong, because if they sucked, they’d be kicked off the table immediately.
4.They are expert wingwomen
Oh, you want to buy my hot friend drinks? Well, guess what? You gotta deal with me too! Yeah, I’ll be here alllll night. And you can’t be mean to me because if you are, she’ll kick you to the curb immediately. Oh, you don’t feel like buying me another drink? Well, I have a sneaky feeling that I have to pee and take her with me, forever.
5. They’re not afraid to make the first move
Some people are absolutely stunned when an average girl makes the first move on a guy. What else are they going to do, twiddle they thumbs ’til that guy gets the hint that they’re into it? They have to come out and say it, or else they’ll have to lie to their friends forever saying “actually I prefer being single.”
All women should embrace making the first move. What’s stopping you? Go for it!
6. People don’t assume they’re mean girls
Every woman might very well be mean. A lot of them are! But to an average girls looks don’t intimidate other women into thinking they're plotting to steal their man. No one dislikes them out of jealousy, at least.
7. Guys actually tell an average-looking girl EVERYTHING
Sure, it breaks their hearts when an average looking girl like the guy and the guy talk about how they’re in love with they best friends, but in the long run, it’ll work out in they favor, because they know all the guy secrets. (That’s what they keep telling themselves anyway.)
In the end, who gives a sh-t about being a Plain Jane? In the future, they’ll probably all live in the Matrix and choose however the hell they want to look. Beauty is fleeting, but getting free booze because of your hot friends is forever.
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